There are lots of great areas in Gilbert that I adore and continue to love but sometimes I grow tired of the same thing that I and other photographers use in the area frequently. One of the most popular places to take photos around Gilbert is the Riparian Preserve , which don't get me wrong is a gem! But oftentimes you will arrive to a session at that specific location and quickly realize that there are lots of people doing sessions at the same time (especially on the weekends)! I've had great luck at that location in a warmer month or during the week day. I can get around having people in the background but it would make it much easier to process images without that. Here's a photo of the Riparian for reference:

Again, beautiful location and really helps in a pinch as it's so close by to the center of Gilbert itself. We had to wait some time for people to walk out of the view however as this was PRIME TIME of taking photos during fall family sessions for the holidays! So I wanted to write about some other favorites of mine that I haven't had as much traffic in or my sessions have been a breeze at!
My first favorite go to has to be THE GROVES. It's actually a church and community college with a cute little coffee shop right in one, but the biggest eye catching thing about the entire property has to be the beautiful grove of trees!!!!! It really gives the best backdrop for a non desert type feeling to photos which is something clients ask for more often than you can imagine. This location is close just like Riparian and as long as you don't go to it during the weekend (when church is in session) most of the time I have been lucky to have the place to myself.

Sometimes you can find their one tree totally showing off by shedding it's yellow leaves like we did here. It was a lovely surprise! This was during a family session during December right around the holidays. Timing was definitely in our favor and my, was it exciting to walk up on this wonderful burst of color!

Above is another favorite from The Groves.
My Second favorite has to be DOWNTOWN GILBERT itself! There is just something about having a little downtown session that makes me so happy. This is also a place where if you go during the week you can really get some amazing shots without people surrounding your background, but even if there were some people in the background it doesn't mean much to me because that's the very aesthetic of being in DOWNTOWN! I especially love this location for Teens! But I have also taken some of kiddos and Family too!! Check these photos out below:

Last but not least, and a place I'd like to do some Mini Sessions at this year is Agritopia farm! It's a beautiful place with the farm aesthetic that families in Gilbert have come to love and enjoy. It's also just outside a very delicious restaurant called, Joe's Farm Grill where they use seasonal veggies from the farm in their dishes. I don't know what calls for a better evening than to take some photos and grab a bite to eat afterwards.

Regardless of where you take photographs in Gilbert you can find beauty in the most mundane places. I do feel we are lucky to have wonderful murals, lots of different vibes around here to delve into and there's always a way to change the feel of your photographs by elevating with clothing. Sometimes just having the perfect moment is all you need and everything else falls to the wayside. I've taken photos in allies, parking garages, parking lots and they were still wonderful images that made proud!! If you go to any of these locations keep your mind open for what could be an amazing photo session and treat the area with the upmost respect so photographers can come back please! I always leave areas just how I walked onto them, never leaving remnants of me being there behind with only my photographs to show for it.